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The human face of God in Christ
The human face of God in Christ
by Michael Docker
Tune: St Columba 8787 Iambic BPW394(ii) Michael Docker Our human faces mark the way Earth’s hate and fear is taking, The human face of God in Christ Reveals the love God’s making. Our world is shackled to the way Of beauty shown in faces, The human face of God in Christ
Dialogue/Drama: Trinity
Dialogue/Drama: Trinity
by Andrew Pratt
Dialogue/Drama: Trinity (a piece for two voices) Male voice: They say things always come in threes, but so does my confusion. Or is this all illusion? They say that God is one, but that Jesus Christ his son is yet another one. A God that is. But twisting things still further, say
Get Real
Get Real
by Andy Lindley
Real things are those things that connect us to God's creation. Soil, plants, air, sun, sea and most of all, those made in the image of God - other people - whether they be friends or enemies. For they all connect us to God - and we spend much of our lives distancing ourselves
Enabling Church: inclusion of disabled people - Introduction
Enabling Church: inclusion of disabled people - Introduction
by SPCK - Gordon Temple and Lin Ball
Introduction Enabling is what I believe the Church should be about: enabling all people to discover God’s amazing love; and enabling each person in the body of Christ to play his or her part, so the Church of Christ can function to its full potential…
Hymn: That's it, we're humbled, on our knees
Hymn: That's it, we're humbled, on our knees
by Andrew Pratt
That's it, we're humbled, on our knees. God listen to our heartfelt pleas, for you are God and we are not, our pride has got us in a knot. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ARIZONA; CALM (Dykes); COUTANCES (mv); FULDA Metre: LM Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 27/9/2012 Stainer & Bell Lt
The Living God - Discerning wisdom: works of art and the creation
The Living God - Discerning wisdom: works of art and the creation
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Creator of heaven and earth 4 Discerning wisdom: works of art and the creation One of my memories of my time as an undergraduate at Wadham College, Oxford, is admiring the portrait of Sir Christopher Wren (1632–1723) that adorned the panelled walls of the college’s dining hall. I
We hold the image of a God
We hold the image of a God
by Andrew Pratt
We hold the image of a God of pure humility and grace, so gentle in each act and word, with kindness shining from his face. But is this picture right and real? The Psalmist sings of fire and light, of righteous judgment, boundless power, devouring all that is not right. Verses 3-
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The human face
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The human face
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
The Teacher of Israel – Matthew’s Jesus ‘The human face Symbolism and meaning Our detailed consideration of Mark has demonstrated the person-centred reading of the gospels as biographies. About 90 per cent of Mark (around 600 verses) is repeated in Matthew, slightly abbreviated i
Meeting God in Paul - 3 The new creation: Paul’s Christian universe
Meeting God in Paul - 3 The new creation: Paul’s Christian universe
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
The new creation: Paul’s Christian universe Let’s begin with that deceptively simple phrase ‘the image of God’ – because in trying to understand how, for Paul, the whole universe is reorganized around the figure of Jesus, this idea is central…
Mere Apologetics - 5d Making Sense of Things: A Case Study
Mere Apologetics - 5d Making Sense of Things: A Case Study
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Making Sense of Things: A Case Study To explore this further, we shall consider how effective the Christian way of seeing things is at making sense of what we observe. How good is the fit between theory and observation? So how can we make sense of the shape of history and the dis
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 8 “Habitually”
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 8 “Habitually”
by SPCK - Michael Volland
“Habitually” Bolton and Thompson tell us that ‘habit’ is the characteristic that distinguishes entrepreneurs from owner-managers in business. They explain, as noted above, that ‘the true entrepreneur just cannot stop being an entrepreneur’… Taken from The Minister as Entrepreneur
Enabling Church: inclusion of disabled people - Knowing we're made in his image